At Arco Dental, we have always maintained strict cleaning and disinfection protocols.

However, due to the current health crisis, we have intensified these measures to protect our staff and all our patients.

Our COVID-19 Protection Measures


At Arco Dental, we pride ourselves on being the establishment with the most rigorous protocols and the highest level of safety in the Canton of Goicoechea.

Your safety is our priority!

Health Status Verification: Before your appointment, we will verify your health status.

If you present respiratory symptoms, we will reschedule your appointment.


Entry Control

Upon entering our facilities, we will take your temperature and apply a disinfectant vapor.

Then, you will need to wash your hands.


Hand Sanitizer Dispenser

At the entrance of the consulting room, you will find a hand sanitizer dispenser that you must use before entering your appointment.


Safe Greeting

We will greet you with a smile, avoiding physical contact.


Thorough Disinfection

We have spaced out appointments to allow for thorough disinfection of all areas before each consultation.


Accompaniment Policy

Only companions for underage patients will be allowed entry.


Staff Protection

Our staff will use multiple protective barriers, such as masks, gowns, face shields, and caps, which will be discarded after each patient.


Plastic Barriers

We will place plastic barriers on the dental chair, which will also be discarded after each patient.


Hand Hygiene

Our doctors will wash their hands before and after attending to each patient.



At Arco Dental, we are committed to your health and safety.

We implement these measures to the highest standard to ensure a safe and reliable experience during every visit.

Book Your Appointment

Book your appointment by clicking the button below